June 2013

The 2012 World Press Trends survey on the worldwide printing market was very interesting.  People in the United States and Western Europe now spend the same amount of time reading from e-book reading tablets as they do reading from printed paper.  Following the change in readers’ behavior, nearly 30% of the revenue of paper printed products, such as newspapers and magazines, now comes from a non-traditional form.  I am referring to revenue from advertisements put on the digital versions of newspapers and magazines and their digital subscriptions.

As seen in the 2013 survey, the changes that are taking place in readers’ habits and the printing market are inevitably becoming more and more extensive.

We, at the Mongolian Mining Journal, are also offering our readers a more simple-to-use version.  Last month’s issue of MMJ is now available digitally and for free on “smart” equipment such as the iPad, iPhone, Android, and Blackberry.  We offer you a simple, fast way to read, no matter where you are.

Now, our June issue is available for digital subscription.

The June issue of MMJ includes information about mining technology that will expand your knowledge and ignite your interest.  It will give you clear information about future trends.  The new issue is completely about technology that is the future of Mongolian development.

Several world class companies have introduced their technology at the second annual “Future Mongolia” function in Ulaan Baatar.  In our June issue, you will read about the best German technologies, the leading Mongolian CTL technology developments, and the Oyu Tolgoi enrichment plant’s unique technology proposals.

The digital version of MMJ allows you fast access to interesting information, while the printed version provides you with more in-depth analysis, important presentations, and a broader view on law proposals, government policies, and regulations.  In other words, the digital version gives you the content information via text, photographs, and video.  The printed MMJ serves as your hard copy, containing various references and a wealth of archives.

We are offering the digital version to our readers in what is our fifth year of journaling.  Over the first 5 years, we have archived the history of what has been the most interesting time in Mongolia’s economic development.  The foundational steps of the Oyu Tolgoi and Tavan Tolgoi proposals, the historical moments of making the contract, the coking and enriching of Ukhaa Khudag mine coal, the first time a Mongolian company launched IPO on the Hong Kong stock market and so many other historical moments are archived within the pages of MMJ.

MMJ strives to be a reliable and informative source of information about the Mongolian mining sector not only 5 or 10 years down the road but beyond that, and to leave a legacy of spreading a correct understanding of development throughout society.